My finished music video:

My front digipak panel:

My front digipak panel:
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My inside digipak panels:

My inside digipak panels:
Right-click the image and open it in a new tab for a bigger version.

My back digipak panel (with album spine:)

My back digipak panel (with album spine:)
Right-click the image and open it in a new tab for a bigger version.

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Sunday, 5 March 2017

Construction Post 26: Edit week 2- titles, video FX, grading

In Edit Week 2 we had to actually complete our video. This meant taking the rough version from Edit Week 1 and adding titles, grading, effects, and so on. We used the schedule we had made at the beginning of the first editing week because it had served us well so far.
Our editing week two schedule. Click to enlarge.
We packed it fuller than the previous week- in fact putting down all of our free time in school and for an hour and a quarter after it ended- to make sure we got everything done on time, which luckily we did.
A sequence from the test shoot, without grading. Notice the different lighting in each shot, and the overall low-quality of the lighting.
The same sequence from the main video, with grading. Here, the lighting is better quality overall, and fits with the mise-en-scène we are going for. Plus, it is much more consistent between shots.

Some titles from the test shoot. They are unrefined and too close together.
Some titles from the main video. They have effects to make them fluid and more pleasing to the eye. Also note the fade effect to smooth out the transition.
One extra piece of equipment we used during this week that we didn't in the first week was a Macbook with Livetype. Livetype is a great program for creating titles like those shown above, so we had one of us on a Macbook experimenting with and exporting titles while the other two continued in the previous roles from Edit Week 1.
Jack is titling on a Macbook in this image. His back is facing Sayo, who is currently on the edit suite across from these computers, and both of them can turn around to collaborate at any point. Click to enlarge.
Livetype worked quite well- we were able to create titles with effects that we wouldn't have been able to create in Premiere, either due to software limitations or just our skill limitations. The Macbook allowed us to push past these limitations and create fitting titles for our video.

Edit Week 2 was a success, in that we finished all our work on time and are fairly satisfied with it, despite its problems. One such problem was the increased length after adding titles and so on, but we were able to cut down the video to a more reasonable time. Otherwise, it all went without a hitch, and all the small extra things we did going from Edit Week 1 to 2 have added up to really improve the sequence.

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